The Better Backs Health Team

The Better Backs Health Team

Better Backs Mitcham is here to help you have better health. We do that by providing great practitioners to give you quality treatment and advice in both lifestyle and exercise. We also have at our Mitcham office group pilates classes. With a great range of nutritional products and supplements, pillows, massage machines and exercise equipment. The Better Backs team is here to help you have better health.

We are your health team at Better Backs.

Having clinical team of chiropractors, remedial massage therapist and a naturopath to get you back to being healthy. Our pilates instructor will be able to help you tone and strengthen your body to maintain your health. Plus without our amazing receptionist or chiropractic assistants we would be unorganised and you wouldn’t be able to be greeted with a smile when you arrive.

We are here to help you achieve better health. It is important that while we do our best to help you, that you do the same. Keeping to your appointments following the advise and exercises you are given. When we work together you can achieve great results. Sometimes you will have only a need for one service but if you are seeing a team of practitioners here they will read each others treatment notes and communicate over how to enhance and maximise your results using a true team approach. The benefit of this multidisciplinary approach is even our patients who only see one practitioner get the knowledge of all the others at their disposals through their practitioner so it doesn’t matter if your with our most experience team member or our newest graduate. you can be assured you are getting the best management for your condition.

Remember, Better Backs Mitcham is here to help you have better health. We do that by providing great practitioners to give you quality treatment and advice in both lifestyle and exercise. We also have at our Mitcham office group pilates classes. With a great range of nutritional products and supplements, cold laser, pillows, massage machines and exercise equipment. Better Backs team is here to help you have better health. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment. You can book by ringing 03 9873 7373 or online here.